Thursday, August 18, 2011

15 year old with a 13 year old?

Ok, I know that this might sound weird, but my next door neighbor of two years, is a really great friend. He moved into my best friend's old house when her family moved farther into town. He is always really nice to me and we always joke around. He is taller than me, and so much stronger, but I can still hold my own against him. His family put in a pool in their back yard and all this summer, he would just send me a text and say "come swim". He didn't ever ask me if a wanted to come, he just told me to come and swim. most of the time it was just me and him, and then about an hour later, our friend would come and swim with her sister. He always jokes around with me and he always seems so calm. But I am always... well, you know, me. I am a bubbly little girl, sorta maybe, kinda on the shorter side. I am extremely athletic, I play volleyball year-round, and I am apparently very fun to scare. Northern Delaware is where we live, and on the week of Christmas, we got two snow days. He asked me if I wanted to come over and sled, seeing how they have the BEST sledding hill in the history of sledding hills. I went over, and we were sledding, and going over the ramp that he built. It was a lot of fun, and then the same neighbors that came swimming with us, came over and sledded with us. Later that night, we had a bunch of people over and we were all fooling around. He kept on tackling em in the snow since I was using his sled. Then, all through that night, he just kept coming and tackling me and we got into a snowball war, and then he hit me with a huge ice ball so we were laughing and I chased him down across the street, to our bamboo forest in our neighbor's backyard, but the backyard is surrounded by trees and it drops down a lot. So I tackled him in the snow when I caught him, and then he flipped me over and tackled me. And we kinda caught our breath for a second and then he got up and started running back, and I chased him back, but we both fell at the same spot where there was a tiny ditch, and then he kept running, but I didn't and I just rolled back down to the backyard and went over by the bamboo. Apparently they were looking for me for like 10 minutes, but I didn't see them or hear them, and when I got back to his yard, my little sister who is 9, thought that he had killed me and she was crying and scared. And then later on that night, I was sledding down my neighbor's ice pile and it had a jump and I didn't land on my sled, but my knee, and then I got up and the bones touched, and I couldn't walk, and my BEST FRIEND who's house the guy moved into, and then my neighbor were both helping me up the hill, and he came over and asked if I wanted him to carry me, and I would have said yes, if I had known where we were going to go, and if I wasn't in total pain. But yeah, I missed a chance there. So then later on we were back into one of our silent arguments and we were throwing snow at each other while we all sat around thanks to me, and just talked. And he got hit in the face by one of my snow , and then he said, "I really hate you!" And I said, "Aw!" And then he said, "No, Kerry, You know I love you." And I said, "Yeah, I know!" So I don't know what to think about liking him.... I mean, he is beautiful, and he never acts like that around anyone but me! Plus, that neighbor who we went swimming with and we went sledding with and we went to her house where i got hurt, yeah, that is his X!

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