Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can someone make sence of my dream?

ok, so i have had the same dream for over 15 months now, it is a two part dream. it starts off with me chained in a dungeon style area, being tortured for reasons i havent quite comprehended or been able to recall. i see them bring before me people i dont know or people i do know, usually 5 per night, and decapitate them, like a midevil public exocution(man with an axe). after the 5th i usually break free of my bonds and make a quick break for the door, dart through tall narrow winding corridors to a flight of stairs leading upward. at the top of the stairs i step through a door to find myself fallen into another time and place entirely where i seethe morning sunrise on a beach and, what i believe to be, gorrilla warfare, with explosions and firefights in all directions, but amidst all of this kaos, i dart to my objective, inside of a prison shack. once i burst inside, i freeze as i see the woman that i had fallen in love with here in reality, tied to a chair, staring at me, then everthing dissapates into blackness except her just as a masked man shoots her in the heart with a pistol, i awake screaming in terror in a cold sweat. what do these simoltanious reoccuring dreams mean?

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