Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is he playing games or what ?

ok im woth my boyfriend for nearly two years weve been living together for a year i have a son from another reltionship thingsl have been qutie rocky lately and hes been really nasty saying he doesnt want to live with me nomore so i sat him down last week an asked him what he really wanted and he said he wasnt sure so i said we would try to work through things of the next few weeks and if it doesnt work out we can go our seperate ways but im not sure if he wants to be here he keeps saying he doesnt want to do things like get heating oil in etc etc in case we dont last i keep thinking hes waiting the few weeks to tell e its over though he tells me he loves me and my son and would miss us what do you guys think any advice should i breakup with him and save me and my son anymore heartache or make a go of it

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