Saturday, August 13, 2011

Neuter clinic almost killed my cat, should legal action be taken?

Hi, I should firstly start off with i'm a 16 year old female, and I have no knowledge of legal actions, and how or what to do with my situation, and neither does my mother. So I thought somebody here might have a better opinoin. I have a cat named Sam, and I have hand raised him from the moment he was born. Him and I are SO close, He is like my child. He is about a year and a half old, and very healthy. He is a bombay, and we have an active vet, we go there monthly to have him checked up, and she says he is perfectly fit, healthy, and no health problems whatsoever. He was however, not neutered. We had not neutered him in hopes of breeding him with another bombay (he's a full bred with papers). But, as time went on, we noticed he was getting very agressive, and our vet suggested we get him neutered because it might make him less agressive and more friendly, and in the long run he might be happier. As you can guess, my family and I were VERY nervous about him being neutered because he is our baby. I understand its an "easy" and "fast" surgery, and not very dangerous at all. But still, I was scared for him. Yesterday (March 11th) we went to TCAPS, which is a low cost spay&neuter clinic. We picked TCAPS because our friends shelter cats for them, and they have had many cats spayed and neuterd by them, and everything turned out fine. On top of them being very cost friendly. Looking back on it, we should have went to out vet and paid the extra money. I wish I could take it back, but we can't. We dropped him off at 8:30 am, and we sat down with the vets and explained to them that we love our sammy very VERY much, and that we will be taking him to OUR vet ASAP to see if everything is okay. We asked them to take care of him, and they ured us that not only will they do him first, but they will be very careful. My mother and I went shopping and had some lunch while we waited, all the while being very nervous. We got a call at 10:00 am saying that they were done, and everything went fine. He was recovering, and we could pick him up at 12:00 pm the earliest. We got there at 12:01, and picked him up. When we arrived they explained to us the post op instructions for taking care of him after the surgery. This is where it gets sketchy as hell. They told us to NOT LET HIM OUT AT ALL, of the Kennal, until 9:00 PM at night. They said that the drugs he was on will make him quote "crazy" and groggy, and a danger to us and himself. They said after 9:00 pm we could take him out and put him in a either a bathroom or out laundry room. A small space with water, food, and a litter box so he can heal without moving around too much. They didn't give us a collar to put around his head so he wont bite the opertated area, neither did they say anything about buying one from pets mart. We took him home, and my mother had to go to work. I took him (in his kennal) into my room, and set him on my tredmil. I offered him some food and water in his kennal, and went around doing some school things (i'm home schooled). Around an hour later, he started scratching at his kennal door. I figured he was just getting ansy, or maybe still groggy from the meds. I smelt some cat pee soon, and realized my poor baby had went to the restroom on himself. I had no idea what to do, I couldn't let him out of his cage to go potty, but I know he has to be hurting from the surgery and I didnt want him agreviated even more. I finally called OUR vet, not TCAPS, but our ACTUAL vet, and asked her what I should do. I explained to her everything, and she immedantly sounded frantic. She said that one) she had NEVER heard anything about leaving a cat in his cage for almost 9 hours after being neutered. She said that we should take him out ASAP. So, I got off the phone and let him out. He wobbled out of the cage and attempted to jump on my bed. I picked him out and set him in his cat bed. A few minutes later he started to lick his junk, and thats when I noticed that it looked destroyed. There was tissue hanging from his actual sack, and it was very bloody and red. I freaked out and called my vet back, and she told me to take him up and she will look at him. My mom met me at the vet and she took a look at him. She said that she would need to sadate him, and stitch up the tissue that fell out. She said that they didnt put stitches in him (some vets just dont when they neuter cats) and that they used stitch glue instead. She said it looked like sam had licked it while he was in his Kennal, and thats why the tissue had fallen out.She said if we didn't stitch it back up it could die and infect him.So she sadated him, and was going into surgery when we left.She said she will call us as soon as they get out of surgery and keep him overnight there.She called us 20 minutes later and said he had a HUGE blood clot in the upper part of his sack,she said that they obviously didnt close his vessel off all the way,and he could ha

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