Monday, August 15, 2011

Why are religious people *SO* delusional about the world around them?

Christians just don't see the big picture. They think humans are in no way related to animals even though the only thing that makes us different is our brain. If an alien zoologist came to Earth in a space ship and saw a naked human and a chimp, he would say they were closely related without doubt. If a guy goes for a few months without shaving or getting a hair cut and doesn't wear any clothes, he looks very much like a primate. This is because he IS one. Someone answered that Christians don't think of themselves as the center of the world. That is so incorrect. By saying that God made humans in his image you're making humans the most important thing in the universe. I hope we do find intelligent life on other planets on day, simply because the Christians would yet again have to change their beliefs. For god's sake, the church would have killed Galileo if he hadn't recinded his belief that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Christianity is wrong, but Christians won't admit it. They just revise their beliefs every time a new scientific discovery is made and find some way to attribute it to God. No matter WHAT science finds, they're always going to stubbornly stick to their fairy tales. It makes me sad to be of the same species as these people.

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