Thursday, August 18, 2011

Does this mean we're friends?

Okay, this girl used to make fun of my pics on myspace and the things I said. Awhile ago there was a sleepover and we were both there and I told her about this guy I used to date Joseph Lindon. A long time after that we didn't talk. Then out of no where she asked if we were still going out. I said no. And she asked when we broke up. My friend was there and said "She never was going out with him, and she's a big fat liar" And I said "you're thinking of a diff. Joseph. I did date Joseph Lindon, NOT harvey." And the "popular" girl nodded at me. She also accepted me on facebook. does that mean we're friends?

Should I start Vick over Brees?

I can't believe I'm asking this, but now that Vick is the starter I have a choice. Should I start him over Brees? Vick is playing the Jaguars, while Brees has to play the falcons. I don't know I'm think I'm leaning towards vick.

How do I change my name after getting married?

Once you change your name in the US, it will be, um, changed. No need to do it twice, as it will then be your legal name and the one you will use in the UK.

Brits: What percentage of Brits REALLY support the monarchy?

I'm under the impression that it is the majority...I'm not asking for an opinion, I just want to finally know what the real percentage of Brits is. (Is the level of support higher in England than the rest of the countries?)

Will the publicity, possible danger to Americans, exposure of some National Security and the chance that?

the terrorists might get acquitted(although I know a small one, still a chance,,remember OJ?) is making this a high profile trial really worth it? Interested to know how everyone feels. Thanks and have a great day!

WHOA!!! Iran already has a nuke?

Yes! And America has a nuke as do many other countries. Who are we to say that another country should not have what we have. From what we have discovered during the last few years of the Bush administration, we cannot believe anything that was ever said in that time period. It is possible, you know, that America has nuclear items, that the public knows nothing about. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Hey should i date a chinese girl i really really like a or should i date a hot indian girl i saw cause im ind?

well i typed another question on yahoo answers that starts with How do i ask a girl out on the phone that is going to a rival high school than mine? PLEASE ANSWER IT PLEASE but this one indian girl, she was pretty hot but i dont know if i shoulod ask her out because i dont know if i should ask the chinese girl out that i really really liked a lot but wwent to my rival high school that i live near by because if i asked out the indian girl who is in like one of my high school cles and if she said yes, people would say we're like the perfect couple cause shes indian but should i ask people for their opinion if i should ask her out or if she likes me or find some way to ask the chinese girl that i really like a lot and i knew she liked me too well if u want to hear how bad i like the chinese girl please ask ur friends and answer the question HOW CAN I ASK A GIRL OUT ON THE PHONE THAT IS GOING TOA RIVAL HIGH SCHOOL THAN MINE????? idk if i should follow the hot indian girl or the HOT chinese girl please answer this idk what to do the indian girl goes to my high school now ? but i didnt ask anybody out because i still like the chinese girl but people said i loved her?

Chat problem!?

Okay When I Was online on YM Someone just added me And I dont Know him/her and just started talking nasty,ewww!!..What Should I Do About it?..Report?..But Where?..and how did she/him added me?..i dont post/show and Give my email!??..

15 year old with a 13 year old?

Ok, I know that this might sound weird, but my next door neighbor of two years, is a really great friend. He moved into my best friend's old house when her family moved farther into town. He is always really nice to me and we always joke around. He is taller than me, and so much stronger, but I can still hold my own against him. His family put in a pool in their back yard and all this summer, he would just send me a text and say "come swim". He didn't ever ask me if a wanted to come, he just told me to come and swim. most of the time it was just me and him, and then about an hour later, our friend would come and swim with her sister. He always jokes around with me and he always seems so calm. But I am always... well, you know, me. I am a bubbly little girl, sorta maybe, kinda on the shorter side. I am extremely athletic, I play volleyball year-round, and I am apparently very fun to scare. Northern Delaware is where we live, and on the week of Christmas, we got two snow days. He asked me if I wanted to come over and sled, seeing how they have the BEST sledding hill in the history of sledding hills. I went over, and we were sledding, and going over the ramp that he built. It was a lot of fun, and then the same neighbors that came swimming with us, came over and sledded with us. Later that night, we had a bunch of people over and we were all fooling around. He kept on tackling em in the snow since I was using his sled. Then, all through that night, he just kept coming and tackling me and we got into a snowball war, and then he hit me with a huge ice ball so we were laughing and I chased him down across the street, to our bamboo forest in our neighbor's backyard, but the backyard is surrounded by trees and it drops down a lot. So I tackled him in the snow when I caught him, and then he flipped me over and tackled me. And we kinda caught our breath for a second and then he got up and started running back, and I chased him back, but we both fell at the same spot where there was a tiny ditch, and then he kept running, but I didn't and I just rolled back down to the backyard and went over by the bamboo. Apparently they were looking for me for like 10 minutes, but I didn't see them or hear them, and when I got back to his yard, my little sister who is 9, thought that he had killed me and she was crying and scared. And then later on that night, I was sledding down my neighbor's ice pile and it had a jump and I didn't land on my sled, but my knee, and then I got up and the bones touched, and I couldn't walk, and my BEST FRIEND who's house the guy moved into, and then my neighbor were both helping me up the hill, and he came over and asked if I wanted him to carry me, and I would have said yes, if I had known where we were going to go, and if I wasn't in total pain. But yeah, I missed a chance there. So then later on we were back into one of our silent arguments and we were throwing snow at each other while we all sat around thanks to me, and just talked. And he got hit in the face by one of my snow , and then he said, "I really hate you!" And I said, "Aw!" And then he said, "No, Kerry, You know I love you." And I said, "Yeah, I know!" So I don't know what to think about liking him.... I mean, he is beautiful, and he never acts like that around anyone but me! Plus, that neighbor who we went swimming with and we went sledding with and we went to her house where i got hurt, yeah, that is his X!

IPod nano video help, it's in .mp4 and everything should work, but..?

I used iTube [Ares Tube] and it downloaded the video to my iPod. I see it's thumbnail on my iTunes library and it's in my menu on my iPod, but when i select it, the screen just turns dark and it doesn't play. I can skip to the middle of the video BUT it just puts it back to 0:00 and the screen stays dark. How do I get the video to work??

What is this movie called?

It has got George Clooney in it and his ex wife dumpes their daughter on him on day, their is also another women in it who has a son called sammy who always get things stuck up his nose! they are both single parents and they meet for the first time when they take there children to school but they dont get them their because the school has went on a boat trip or something. They argue all day and then they fall in love. I really want to watch this film because i thought it was great. thanks to anyone who answers.

Emergency!!!!!!I need help going to banquet in 1-2hrs! please help?

i need hairspray but i ran out and i don't have a car or the time to go and buy some and i really need a way to keep my hair down (im using curling irons)

What happens when two of your friends (that you hang out w/ regularly) start going out?

The best thing to do is to let things play through and see what happens. Be there for them if something goes wrong and be happy for them if it goes right. Understand your feelings about being jealous or angry because you feel left out of the circle. When that happens you could try finding someone of your own you can develop a relationship with, whether it's in your group of friends or not. Often it's common for people who spend a lot of time together, and get close to each other to develop feelings. As for the PDA I've been there done that. You just have to turn the other cheek and if it gets to a certain level leave the room.

Can a "Designed Built-Environment' deter the actions of criminals?

Sure--if you want to turn your home into a fortress to hide in. But common sense and reasonable precautions are sufficient--and I, for one, don't choose to live my life in fear of the boogyman.

Which brand will these ECW superstars choose?

Some will go to RAW, and others will go to Smackdown. The remaining superstars will either join the new show NXT with the up-and-comers, or get released.

Wlhat should i do about this guy?

Talk to him. Once in a life time you'll find that special boy and he seems like he could be it. If you don't start at least talking to him, you'll live a very long time in regret. Just be his friend and be there for him, if him and his girlfriend don't work out then he'll have someone special like you to lift his spirits up. You should eventually explain why you're so shy - whether through person, text, or facebook, him getting the point is what really matters.This will reure him that it isn't him or you not liking him, but rather a little problem you need help overcoming. My advice: Start talking to him again by whatever means necessary.

What do the Cowboys need to do to win the superbowl next year?

I think the Dallas Cowboys should pick up John Gruden to fix there defense I hope they draft L.S.U's defensive back Patrick Peterson and pick up a good cornerback in free agency there o-line is geting old and so is there linebackers. There p defense is ranked 28th they should also trade Tashard Choice and Igor Olshansky

Should brad pitt replace len goodman?

and then that bloke patric whatever from the vampire film replace bruno, and then rodrigo when ever he comes out of the big brother house to replace craig, and then we would have a younger ier show judges or should they just keep it as a dancing contest of what we wanted to watch.

Sick Bird?

My bird (atiel) laid a couple of eggs last week and in the past 4 days she’s thrown up twice; once was mucous looking and yellow. She was quiet for a couple days after her last egg but now she seems to be perking up and getting back to normal. Should I take her to the vet? Is it normal for a bird to vomit in that short amount of time? I did catch her eating paint off the wall the other and stopped her immediately so I’m sure she didn’t ingest too much but I’m wondering if that could be it as well. Any advice welcome and thanks in advance.

What is Desperation by Stephen Kinng about?

Okay someone suggested i read the book Deaperation by Stephen King...can some one please teill me what this book is about....please and thanks..

HELP! I'm being charded for Pay Per View?

That is weird, cause i dont think anyone could be stealing your cable cause it all goes through that box. Aside from sleep walking or someone breaking in to watch dunno what that could be. Try calling them and just get really mad, my friend did that when he said he didnt rent something and ended up getting 1 month free premium channels

Concert Outfit Help?!!?

For Katy Perry. Should I dress normally, as in a skirt or dress. Or should I make a fan shirt? What do most people do? If I make a fan shirt Im going to write Katy Perry on the front and "Oregonian Gurls are so hot theyll melt your popcicle" On the back. If I dress normally Im just going to wear a loose shirt with a pencil skirt. So yeah, people who have gone, do fans wear homemade shirts or do they just dress normally?

Can anyone tell me what's wrong with me? (I'll pick a best answer).?

your not a freak at all. dont let anyone tell you that first of all. second of all, protecting your self and your body isn't wrong, but you have to open up for new things. dont feel "dirty" if you start to like someone or find them attractive, just become friends and see how they truly are. dont jump right in and date, but become friends. if your scared of being hurt, dont worry, just make your boundries clear in the beginning then if they dont respect them then go on without them, but who knows, you could find someone and be happy to be with them and not feel this dirty feeling or grossness. take chances, wats living life without chances? boring =P haha but again just do wat feels right and if its protecting yourself, dont feel like a freak, cuz your far from a freak =) be happy with yourself at all times and just brush off all the jerks and "pigs" that make fun of you =P sometimes they like you haha but, yea. Take A Chance =) you never know wat could happen =)

What could this possibly mean?

I took a right on a random road and this big godzilla monster threw apollo 13 at me (not the spaceship, the film) and then i started crying puke but i threw up my tears. I walked into a room and my brother was screaming, then the universe turned horizontal and empty and the devil groaned and let out big weird stuff. This is the end, i heard but it wasnt and soon after i shot myself in the head with a shotgun but didnt die, so i did again, 5000 times.

Bruno Mars: On a scale on 1-10 how would you rate both his looks and music?

I'm not gay but his look is 9/10.he is really cute(No ).He is Puerto Rican and Phillipino.I love his music and voice.His voice is a 10 out of a 10 because he voice is very calming and soothing!

GOP contender in 2012 to Challenge President Obama?

I get really tired of this question every time its asked because the answers always present us with failed politicians who would never even be elected to catch dogs. With 2.5 years to go, history proves we haven't seen the name or face of who will run in 2012.

Is anyone a little turned off from GTA IV because the main character is Russian?

I'm no bigot but there are more entertaining ethnicities in my book, Italians will never get old. Even an Irishman woulda been cooler than a Russian, I think it's just that accent that gets me.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Astronomy help? Stay above the horizon?

Yup, Geoff is correct. From our perspective in the Northern Hemisphere the sky appears to rotate around this star and it is alway above the horizon.

If your candidate is against or for abortion, is not it the women the ones who actually kill the babies?

To the first answerer, there is a heart beat. That equals life. And if we can't legislate morality, why can't I go out right now and start shooting people in the street.

Can i cook lamb mince from frozen?

i promised my dad dinner, and now it says on the pack, thaw out before cooking, can i skip the thawing? and just cook and drain?

Why did my brother's gerbils attack each other?

I would definetly keep them seperated. I have heard that gerbils do not do well with more than one per cage, and that they could fight to the death if not stopped.

How can jeremy clarkson make such statments?

he made remarks that would get a member of the public in how is he able to say whatever he likes with impunity

Which Maestro Dimmer do I need?

We are wanting to add a dimmer to the recessed lighting in our living room. You can access the light from three locations (three different switches) in our living room. We really just need the dimming option at one location or switch. My question is do we have to buy the accessory dimmers for the other two locations if we just want to access the dimmer at one location? If so, do we purchase the single pole maestro? Thanks!

How can I improve my poem?

"Only to realized that their goods were plundered"? (next line would explain who did it, like animals would be good) "by the noctural creatures of the night, which by morning they stay out of sight". or " which by morning there no where in sight"... pretty good for a 14 year old.. congrats.

Is my mother being unreasonable?

She found out that I have been wearing thongs. She tru them all away. She doesn't have the right to I bought them with my own money. She says its because I'm only 13. I don't think it is fair. Everyone wears them.

Could i build it without a microscope?

could i build a device made of atoms in a vacuum by tools and no microscope? by guess and calculations?

Please help me regarding art?!!!!?

Okay, to celebrate ICC Cricket, my school is having an art compettion and the theme is "Cricket" I live in Bangladesh so I have to emphasize on bangladesh winning. What should I draw for sure win?!!!

If n is divisible by 3 and n is divisible by 4, can you prove that n is divisible by 12?

I'm doing some review for my discrete mathematics midterm and am stumped by this one. My book suggests using the division theorem to write n = 12q + r and then consider the cases. I'm not clear how to consider the cases in a way that proves the claim. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Help for science aquarium project 10 pts!!!!!!!!!!?

It can be easier to dilute the Fleet Enema by putting 50ml of Fleet in a 500ml bottle and the rest water. This will make measurement and dosing easier. Once diluted, 1/4 tsp per 10 gallons will give you about 2.2ppm. Good luck!

What do you think will happen if the Electoral College goes against the will of the people?

I feel like if that happens yet again, there should be a freaking revolution or something, Im sick of it!! The Republicans are relying on that happening....but the will of the people will always lean more to the left.

When you rotate a microscope to high power, why can you not see an image?

This question is part of my lab report that is due this monday. If i can get an answer before then that would be great!

14 dpo. High Temps. No af symptoms!?

So this is driving me crazy like every other lady in tww. Well i've been having mild cramps, not bad at all just noticeable. But no AF cramps. And just a little bit of nausea here and there. And my temps are still high. I tested this morning it was 98.8!!!! That's the highest my temps have ever been! We are trying to conceive. We had a miscarriage on new years eve of 2008. devastating. I took a test 11dpo bfn. I'm trying to hold out for a couple more days but that anticipation is killing me! Has anyone ever had this and then bfp? And what do you ladies think??

How can I tell if my best friend "likes" me?

Me and him have been friends for over 8 years. Everyone always says that we're gonna be married one day or that we should date, but we both say something like "Never" or "Ewww" (of course, we're not actually being mean to each other when we say that.) Anyway, I wanted to know if maybe those people are seeing something I'm not seeing. What are somethings I can look for?

Survey Question: Was it reasonable to ban CFCs?

Yes, it was reasonable to do. There are alternatives with less risk than CFCs. Nothing is perfect but we can do as much as we can to reduce or mitigate the damage to the environment.

Does allergy medicines (antihistamines) have any affect towards musclebuilding?

I'm in the medical field so I have dealt with this question before. The immune system learns to cope with these materials,developing immunity and preventing future allergic reactions. So in turn allergy medicines will not affect your ability to grow muscle or improve your stamina. Allergy medicines are used to block the effect the allergen has on your body so you can go about having a normal life. So you shouldn't worry about trying to improve your muscle m you'll be fine. And they should grow at a normal rate, based on your body.

Was this a visitation dream what is he trying to tell me?

my friend ped away last year on halloween and i have been a medium my whole life connecting with my indian ancesters hearing drums and also talking to my great grandmother that i have never seen before my dreams, i had a dream about him a while back and he was glowing and so happy and floating with no feet and he really seemed at peace, but lastnight i had a dream that he was standing there and i asked him why he was just standing there so still and all of the sudden he started glowing and moving and said autumn haha im just trying to get used to my body again and gave me a hug...i asked him if he was happy and he shrugged and said im happy i just dont understand why noone talks to me anymore i am still here and tried to get me to follow him to these hallways and he went so fast that it scared me and i started running and screaming and crying and he was mad at me for not following him and he wasnt in his body any more but i knew where he was and he pushed these two double doors closed and slammed them and i was sad and confused like i knew he was upset and throwing a fit like he used to...he needs to tell me something i know it but im scared...he wasnt ready to die and i think he is having trouble crossing how can i help him? can i help him? i talk to him almost everyday and i asked my boyfriend today if he ever does and he said no very seriously and said no hes dead autumn and i dont know if jared just doesnt understand why his loved ones arent trying to talk to him and i want to know why me... i have the rarest oldest bloodtype and i know that commonly that comes with psychic abilitys and what not i have been that way since i was a kid knowing whats going to happen before it does..i dont want to be scared of him.. i want to know that he is happy and ok im just so sad for him for some reason and i dont know who to talk to. i feel that other people just dont understand is my energy a conductor? why me? i miss him and i know im just trying to cope but my dreams are real like having another life, most of the time i am so scared to go to sleep because of my night terrors can you relate?

What's wrong with me? (Girls Only Please)?

Nothing is wrong with you. Just relax and focus on growing into the best man you can be and an amazing girl will come along. Maybe they find you intimating and are threatened by your intelligence. Good luck.

How can a member update his or her profile a group email?

am a moderator of a yahoo group, members are asking me who they can update their profile after they join. i was wondering if you can help me how to.

Have you heard of Hershey's the american chocolate bar and what do you think of it?

My brother tried one yesterday for the first time and thought it was satisfactory and i said tohim just imagine the amunt of ingredients they put in it cause most of the population from all states are considered to be morbidly obese i'm not surprised you wiht me?Never tried it though what's it like?

How many of you mommies look younger than you are?

I'm 22 1/2 years old and I look 14 to most people, including my husband. My mom was carded for cigarettes once and she is in her mid-30s. All the women in my family look younger than then are.

Math unit rate question please help :)?

One Canadian dollar ($1 CAD) is worth 27.14 Russian roubles (RUB). Which form of currency is more valuable, the Canadian dollar or the Russian rouble? Explain your answer.

Why zionims can't be categorised as religious racism?

Christians talk too much against racism but when spoken about Zionism they try to hide reality by using various phrases and rhetorics. Zionism is indeed racism based on religion. I know that according to Islam Jews are chosen people but it is subjected to the covenant with God, not purely based on race. Since they did not fulfill the condition of covenant and rejected Messiah and Last Prophet covenant is no more valid. Where as Zionists believe that covenant with jews is eternal irrespective of whatever jew does.

Presidential Inauguration?

What is the seating capacity for the president's inauguration on West Front Capitol (at least thats where it was last election). 5 easy points, just cite source

What does he see in her?

he may be find what he misses in you, FORGIVENESS, and don't look to the issue in that side, you find her ugly, but for him, she is his world, you should respect that

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How do i deal with this?!?!?!?!?

Theres this kid at my school in my grade (and unfortunately lives across the street from me too), who thinks he is the sh*t about everything. what makes this situation worse is that he has to one up me on everything. The other day I hit a triple with like one bounce to the fence in baseball game, and he randoml comes up when im talkng and goes " Big deal, i hit an inside the park off the fence" and if i bought some new phone that costs lke 200$, then hell come up and say he bought a niceer one for 250$. and hell do this stuff ith girls too. i dont know wat to do because im pissed off about this and i cant do much about it since hes bigger and stronger than i am. please help????

Whatever happened to hilary duff?

back then miley cyrus used to say ill never be as famous as hilary and now shes swimmin in cash n i dont know what happened to hilary is she doing anything at all in acting

I have two MTX 12 Inch Terminators to replace my 15 inch's that i blew.?

The Terminator package came with amp, enclosure and subs and b knob, my question is i see on most amps there are a b filter and base boost and a power input knob on the amplifier but i cant find it on the amplifier. i Do see things you can turn but im not sure what they are there all abbreviated and i dont see any resemblance to a base boost knob or input knob any help? its a TNA251 MTX Terminator Cl D mono block amplifier.

Is there a difference between allergies and a cold?

I have spent two days outside over the weekend, planting flowers. The night I got them flowers done, I started getting sick. It started with a scratchy throat and cough. Then the next day, I was all congested, sinuses, and coughing, and losing my voice. I am wondering is there a difference between allergies and cold. I have never been checked for allergies, but several family members have them.

Did the comments from gorgeous Hillary Clinton about Iraq withdraw details reinforce enemy propaganda?

If you think that Hilary Clinton is gorgeous, then you sir are either legally blind or you think the Crypt Keeper is hot...Hilary does not need the information she is asking for...she only wants it for political gain...if they give it to her, next thing you know it has been leaked to the New York Times...some things are Secret for a reason...

What experience do you want in a US presidential candidate?

A question doomed to have few real responses. I've asked a few of the candidate's detractors to specify exactly what type of experience would be satisfactory to them and received nothing but silence in reply. It's only a talking point.

Looking for lowfat chicken soup or beef stew recipe. Thnaks in advance!?

What I do, is make the soup/stew the day before, as normal, put it in the fridge, and all the fat floats to the top when it's chilled. Then I just pull the icky stuff off, and I'm good to go.

Account for the difference of thye following?

what is the difference in boiling point and freezing point respectively of distilled water and salt and sugar solutions?

Pleaseeeeeee help in history!! plzzzzz?

its great you might want to add in that the portuguese replaced the arabs in the control of the spice trade. in the east indies it also opened ways to bring on the scientific revelotion which comes later in regard to human rites and the evils and concerns of society. Also many philosophers became famouse during this time. oh and Megellan's crew was the first to cirnavigate the world.

Where can I find a sewing pattern for making a plush toy in the image of Yoshi from the Super Mario games?

I can't make a sewing pattern to save my life, but I want to make a plush Yoshi. I've checked all over Google, Yahoo, and Bing, but only found crochet patterns (I can't crochet, either). Anyone able to help?

The origin of Ugg boots?

I am confused. To make a pair of ugg boots do the sheep have to be slaughtered or is the hide simply shaved off the animal? i am reading conflicting stories.

How do I prevent myself from biting my lip?

i have this problem too. i do it when im nervous or when things aren't going the way i planned (which sounds really weird but whatever) it gets really bad because i can't stop biting my lip when i start. my cousin has the same problem and she can't stop until it bleeds. idk how to stop it though, even lipgloss hasn't stopped me.

Anybody heard of a company called Mirex-Trade LLC? Or Thomas Recruiting? ?

I am in search of a legitimate home-based part-time job and I received emails from both of these companies. Does anyone know anything about them?

Why are patio table heaters not available in natural gas?

It seems that patio table heaters are only available in propane. Is there a reason for this or is it possible to convert a propane heater to natural gas?

Anything like Gamestop in Europe?

Hi, I am going to be moving to Europe (Czech Republic/Czechoslovakia) in a few weeks, and I would like to know if there are any game stores such as Gamestop over there. Thanks for your response :)

Queen/Bon Jovi Tribute band?

We are looking for a clever name to call ourselves. This is a pro band so the best answer is guarenteed 10 points and another if you answer another of my questions!!

Where can i find a black quilted river island shoulder bag?

Have you tried the Leeds store (if you live near enough) - I saw loads in there a couple of weeks ago! Or keep trying Ebay coz one is bound to turn up sooner or later.

My poem (this ones pretty personal), thoughts and title help? pleaseee?? :)?

this is either a result of true talent or VERY strong emotions. you have almost the same writing style as my friend, very rhythmic dark pieces with a sad ending. i dont think anyone needs to be gentle with their criticism because honestly, there is nothing to criticize. each stanza enhances the poem and the rhymes aren't cliched. i love it!

Red Bull substituting for meals?

It works because Red Bull severely dehydrates you. Be sure to drink a TON of water because your kidneys will soon be screaming out in desperation.

What is an example of an isotope?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How much is a wedding banquet?

We are having 300 people for our wedding. does anybody have an idea for about how much it costs for catering? we live in colorado

I need things to say about my baby cousin?

try this site a href=""…/a

How can one say that Jesus knew no sin if a large portion of his life is missing from biblical text?

There are records that were still around two thousand years ago that are gone or still hidden today. So what you are hoping for maybe somewhere else, just not in the Bible. Have you looked for other sources?

Rate My Yu-Gi-Oh Wind deck?

Good idea. wind can be a very powerful choice of deck. i would rate this deck 8/10. you should try focus on more harpie cards like harpies pet dragon and even harpies brother. other wise good job. It's powerful and effective.

Why does an emo character need an emo name?

Or a bully need a "tough guy" name? The kids are maybe 15 years old, but the parents would not now how they turn out when they were named. They would probably take on nick names, but you can have a bully named Harold or a rich B**** names Sally.

I really need help please help me!?

i am a 17 years old i have had no cases wrong with my lungs. or my chest and we checked my heart so theres nothing wrong with any of that but for the last three months ive been having slight chest pains. they move around like some days theyll be in the sternum next upper towards the collar bone and sometimes below. it does not hurt when i breath nor when i run. my mucus is yellowish but most of the time clear it was bloody but not very like very lightly but went away but when it was around it was very smelly like bad breath or those pleb thigs you get but they have gone away. i have no loss in appetite and i feel rather fine. its not a crippling hurt much more like a annoyance i dont have acid reflex and i am not running a fever or anything i feel perfectly fine and seem perfectly fine the only thing is the pain in my chest i have looked for any kind of similarities and found nothing. i look at pneumonia and bronchitis and even lung cancer. nothing seems to match my symptoms. so could somebody give me any kind of advice or diagnosis. i cant go to the doctor i have no insurance so please try your best to tell me what is wrong thank you!

Anyone know of a country which adopted Marxism and did not/ has not become a military dictatorship?

Russia and European satellites. China, North Korea one and all have become militarist states with sometimes disastrous consquences for their populace and neighbours. Doubtless they started off with good intent but what is the common flaw which has made them fail?

Leonardo DiCaprio's best performance?

Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite actor. He's been brilliant in so many movies, including The Aviator, Blood Diamond, Catch Me If You Can, The Departed, Gangs of New York, Total Eclipse, and others. In my opinion, his best performance was as Howard Hughes in The Aviator. He should have won the Best Actor Academy Award instead of Jamie Foxx, whose Ray Charles 'imitation' was overrated.

How can I get even with someone who hurt me?

I just don't understand some men. They hurt. They are cynical. They lie. They are s. This guy I met was a great catch, until he showed his real self. We dated several times and then he disappear. He played with me 'cause I discovered that he has a 7 years relationship with this other girl, and now he calls me and tells me he miss me, but he doesn't tell me the truth. World is so small... This girlfriend is a friend's secretary, so now I can see a way to relieve my thirst for revenge, but... I don't know how! I don't wanna hurt her, she doesn't even know I exist. And the cheating won't admit she exists. So? What to do?

United 93 September 11 Question?

I can't remember where I heard it but do I remember a reporter or someone on TV saying that they did bring down WTC7 in a controlled demolition but it was because the foundations had been weakened and it was going to fall anyway. I do love a good conspiracy theory so the standout fact for me is more than 25 times the normal Put trades (bets that the stock would fall) were placed against American and United Airlines shortly before the attack and both stocks dropped around 40% but then again if you were the mastermind of the attacks and had the money to play the market you would get on it too.

Question please..?

ok so ive been taking ovulation tests for 5 days and yesterday and the day before i got a positive both times i did them in the morning but it wasnt my first morning urine id had about 3 or 4 wee's (sorry) . but yesterday i had the most painfull pain in my left side it started just before i did the ovulation test it would come and go and it felt like a throbbing pain for a few seconds then would dissapear and come back it stopped about 8 hours later and i dont have it today... was that me releasing my egg...?? i also had a lil bit of lower back pain in the same place, me and boyfriend have had every other day like we should and had it last night could this finally be the month we get pregnant??? have been ttc for 7 months and im really hoping it will be this month thanks for all the answers xxxx

Creationists: How do you imagine a science cl in Creationism should be taught?

I think if you just taught the facts and not philosophical presuppositions read into fossils and rocks most of us would be satisfied.

Can any of you educated atheists help me out with this problem?

What are you talking about? Peer review means that studies are reviewed by experts in the field for flaws and inconsistencies prior to publication. Peer review isn't something you can "show" or "look at" - it is the process that occurs prior to publication in any scientific journal.

London Kings Cross to Victoria to Gatwick price? I am 17?

from St. Pancras International you'll take a Thameslink service to Brighton, Pay �12 and get off at Gatwick airport, straight and simple.

How do i set up my blusetooth?

I have a blackjack 2 and i know where my bluetooth settings are, but i dont know how to send and get ringtones from friends....and ive already tryed beaming and sending...dosent work, so if anyone could give me a step by step on how to, work this stupied thing, that would be great........thanks :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What are some similes or metaphors about death?

need some similes or metaphors about death, I would look them up but every time I do, it redirects me to some crazy website....anyway I'm writing my essay about my dad's death but we needed to add 3 similes or metaphors (3 all together) Anyway can you give me some similes or metaphors about death?

Where can I buy cheap size 15 inline skates?

I need a size 15 pair of inline skates for some roller hockey. The only problem is I can't find any pairs that big anywhere, not even on ebay. The highest I've seen for inlines are size 12's. And if there is no place that sells this large of a size is there anyway I could take a pair of my DC skate shoes which have a flat bottom, reinforce it with metal on the soles, then bolt on the base of inline skates? I've seen this done but it was with quad skates, not inlines.

Do you think casey anthony should be punished?

i am so disgusted with her and her family. even if whatever happened to that poor little girl was an accident, there was so many lies and why couldnt we get the truth? did they not care about finding her or getting justice for her? if someone else killed her then why is the family not interested in finding the real murderer? and why would their computer show someone looking up that chemical more than 236 times, the same chemical used on caylee, if they are innocent? i dont know if it was the mom, dad or casey, but either way the mother deserves to be in prison and die there. she seems to have no remorce. if i was innocent i know id be frantic searching for the murderer, and i wouldnt be able to laugh or smile like casey often does. id be the most saddened mother you ever saw. i just cant believe shes walking free after all this. absolutely disgusting.

Cloning in AFL?

Im not a reg here but this is hilarious. We often experience the problem of 'cloning' in the hip hop section.

How do I print pdf files using an HP DesignJet 650C C2859B?

I have an HP DesignJet 650C C2859B that I use to plot CAD drawings. However, I can't print pdf full size drawings that clients have sent me through email because I can't figure out how to load this plotter onto Adobe's printer manager. If I don't physically have the software or drivers for this plotter, but I CAN load it into Adobe (which probably can be done), please give me directions on how to do this. And if I can't load it into Adobe because Adobe doesn't support it or this model plotter doesn't have the capability, let me know.

Does "even above" make grammatical sense?

It all depends on the context, and you haven't given one so it's hard to be sure: but Picador has provided a perfectly possible correct use. Why don't you give the whole sentence with "even above" that's bothering you, then we can know for sure?

How can i do a paris themed room?

i want to do a paris themed room no poodles or pink i want to do like a cafe with one of my doors and like a hotel with the closet doors and wher can i get a stick and peel eiffel tower but i dont know how i want to design that i need help if somone can help or send pic to thankz ps i have a small room and i allready have a bed spread

How did Edgar Allan Poe effect the literary cannon?

I don't really believe that Edgar Allan Poe had much to do with artillery, but I'm fairly certain that he knew the difference between "effect" and "affect". Anyway, if you do find out, please let me know.

Was Hamilton's overtaking move on Alonso at the final lap to unlap himself dangerous?

Must be an ego thing, him not wanting to be a lap behind the race winner. I think he would have done it regardless of who was ahead of him at the time. I was a bit nervous seeing him come up behind Alonso but luckily the Spaniard moved aside, it would have been fun to see him defend the line though.

Can a private school use physical force to discipline?

It depends on the state. Some states, for example Machusetts, do not permit even private schools to use corporal punishment. However, in most states (even where school paddling in public schools is outlawed) it is legal in private schools.

What are crowds like at MCR?

I saw them supporting Funeral for a Friend about 5 years ago but they have changed their scene quite a lot since then. 5 years ago it was fairly mental, lots of circles and running about in the mosh pit but I don't think it will be quite the same nowadays. If you stand a bit further back from the front you shouldn't have a problem at all.

Teen Girls: What's your favorite song(s)?

Mine are Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson, What's My Name by Rhianna, and Drop the World by Lil Wayne. You might not know these but they're my favorite!

Question regarding blue films?

I live in Kuwait & it is very difficult to check out any site since it's access is denied... Is there any other way to check out scenes?

Those who favor congressional representation for DC usually talk about taxation without representation...?

Anyone who lives in DC who wants a representative in congress can move without restriction. If you stay, you are a volunteer.

Where in the world WAS carmen sandiego?

Ms SanDiego has yet to be located. She is believed to have been hired by Osama Bin Laden. She's very good at hiding, hence why he has yet to be located.

Friday I had a complaint from animal control saying my dog doesn't have the proper shelter he needs?

but he does I was just washing it out. I was watching my dog and I've lived in my residence for over a year now and never had a complaint from a neighbor until a new neighbor appears. I was outsidethis evening and saw her and her husband watching through the window at my dog. the animal control officer said that the person who reported me also said that theynever see us feed or water the dog which is NOT true at all and the officer agreed and said the dog looked very healthy is this slander? what can I do about it?

Philosophical mathematics question?

I am reading a book about great mathematicians in history and it claims someone solved a paradox I had heard, and I am wondering if I understand it correctly. The name of the paradox escapes me, I don't have the book in front of me, but it says that we should never be able to arrive at a destination, because we first have to travel half the distance, then half the remaining distance, then half the remaining distance, and keep on halving forever, there being an infinite number of halves. I had heard Jodie Foster's character mention this paradox in the movie Contact, but she called it something different than the book I am reading did. It is obviously contrary to real life experience, where people arrive at their destinations, not being trapped in between. The book said this was solved by the existence of irrational numbers on the line that couldn't be expressed as fractions. There are an infinite number of halves, and you could section the line into an infinite number of fractions, but you would have to p points still undescribed by fractions (numbers such as the square root of 2 that have non-repeating decimals) thus the paradox of continuously traveling by halves breaks down. Is this accurate?

What are some good songs?

i like boom boom boom by the Vega Boys,candy kisses by Amanda Perez,birthday by Jeremiah,almost everything from Taylor Swift,Flo Rida,we the kings and Gabriel Antonio,and don't trust me by 3oh!3 so got any suggestions from that short little information? I like rap and R&B,rap,techno,country,well really anything with a beat LOL

Is it ok to get your boyfriend concert tickets if....?

I am thinking about getting my boyfriend Bon Jovi tickets but the wouldn't be the "best" seats in the house. Would that still be an acceptable gift? We've been together 6 yrs and we've always talked about going to a big show like this but they are usually really expensive.

Why are religious people *SO* delusional about the world around them?

Christians just don't see the big picture. They think humans are in no way related to animals even though the only thing that makes us different is our brain. If an alien zoologist came to Earth in a space ship and saw a naked human and a chimp, he would say they were closely related without doubt. If a guy goes for a few months without shaving or getting a hair cut and doesn't wear any clothes, he looks very much like a primate. This is because he IS one. Someone answered that Christians don't think of themselves as the center of the world. That is so incorrect. By saying that God made humans in his image you're making humans the most important thing in the universe. I hope we do find intelligent life on other planets on day, simply because the Christians would yet again have to change their beliefs. For god's sake, the church would have killed Galileo if he hadn't recinded his belief that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Christianity is wrong, but Christians won't admit it. They just revise their beliefs every time a new scientific discovery is made and find some way to attribute it to God. No matter WHAT science finds, they're always going to stubbornly stick to their fairy tales. It makes me sad to be of the same species as these people.

What do you think of my poem?

When you finish, would you by any chance want this poem published? It is great! I work with so many poets that only wish to write poems like this! You are a true poetic lad! Although it needs work creating stanzas but that beside the point. Great work mate! Email me at-

Book suggestions, please!?

C.S. Lewis, try it his books are for all ages. try the Chronicles of Narnia there are 7 books in all. The lion the witch and the wardrobe would be a good start, also the third book The Horse and His Boy is a good adventure with a little bit of cute romance.

Is the 2000 election enough proof that my vote does NOT COUNT with the electoral college?

Over a half a million more people voted for Gore and Bush won! How do you expect everyones vote to count if this is even possible? It goes AGAINST what the american people wanted.

Why do I have 5 different versions of Microsoft Visual C++? Is it safe to delete them?

You might play alot of game and went you delete the game this files stay behind. so you have to find out what program go with a program and then delete them 1 by one.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My twelve-year-old wants to convert to a different religion. Is it a good idea, and how should I support her?

My twelve-year-old daughter wants to convert to Catholicism. She's been doing some independent studies on the religion, and she wants to convert. I don't really know if it's a good idea or not, because she's young. Has any parents ever gone through this? I'd like to know how you helped your child convert to a different religion.

Did you know that Legally Blonde is airing today on MTV?

Yes, I'm using my points to let other theatre freaks know that today at 1:00pm EST and Pacific --- MTV will be airing Legally Blonde THE MUSICAL! Woo hoo! Please leave comments about the show after you've seen it. Your favorite part, song, etc. If you miss it, they're also airing it tomorrow, Sunday Oct. 14 at 7:00pm. Don't miss it!

Would a ribbon belt look gay on a guy?

NO WAY! If your a guy, you need to express your style. There is no personal description for what "gay" looks like. Just be yourself. And believe me, I'm a girl, and I think it's too masculine for me! Haha...:]

How to be removed from a group?

I used to belong to a Yahoo group, but quit a few months ago. It does not show as one of my groups anymore, but I continue to get their posts. I have even contacted the moderator and asked her to ban me in order to stop the emails, but she agreed that I did not even appear to be a member, so she could not ban me. That was weeks ago, and yet I continue getting those posts. Please, how can I be totally removed from that group, and not be removed from all my others? Thanks for any ideas.

Has anyone had swine flu? Or know anyone that has?

Just because all you hear about it.And their aren't enough vaccines I just want to hear for some people that have had it. I'm a 22 years old.

Who misses old Smackdown?

When they had WGTT, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, (Good)Rey Mysterio, Chavo, Paul London, Paul Heyman, Rhyno, Cena, Big Show, Tajiri, Ultimo Dragon.... I could go on... Who else misses those days.

Why when prices go up is it always someone else's fault and not the Federal Reserve's loose monetary policy?

Prices always go up for some other reason.......NEVER because the Federal Reserve creates new money.............

Is this meant to be funny.. ?

So my guy friend just sent me a picture of a toaster and a pop tart and the toaster was saying " i want you inside me" and the pop tart was saying " that's hot" is this some sort of ual innuendo? it made me really mad but i replied with a lol and he didnt say anything. What does this mean

Nokia 6280 - Makes My Laptop Go Blue? ...x?

I think it's a problem with the computer, not related to the mobile. Did you install the software comes along with the mobile phone? The computer might not be getting the required software and crashing.

Out of curiousity...everywhere I turn I see pregnant hispanic women....?

I know that all cultures have children but you don't see them crowding the stores and other public places. What you do see is either a vast majority of pregnant latinos everywhere you turn or these women pushing babies in strollers or walking with a bunch of kids of all ages and sizes. I'm asking for educational not racist reasons. I'm just curious as to the basis for this. Mature answers only please. For those of you who may accuse me of being are being defensive and immature.

Need help with history essay?

im supposed to compare the ottomans and the mughols in 2 ares each in political, social, and economic n im supposed to "take a side" can neone help me?

When are gas and water line insurance programs a good deal?

There is no way to know for sure. There are failures every day and one of them could be you. That said, 30 years isn't that old for inground pipes. I would take $25 a month and set it aside as a emergency fund (Never touch, except for a real emergency). That becomes your insurance.

Do you agree that some people deserve pain and suffering and some others not?

I had contacts with some people that think that I deserve to suffer and that is normal that I should have painfull and hard destiny. Such people consider me as evil althought they cannot prove that. simply, such people do not like me and they are happy whenever i am sick, tired, sad, without job, depressed and worried. and they continiue to think that is normal for them to be happy and healthy and to have good life and that it is normal for me to suffer because they think I deserve to suffer all my life. In fact, such people think that every person they do not like deserve to suffer. Furthermore, such people even cause me suffering because they think that I do not suffer enough. and such people want to justify their reasons for my suffering. what do you think about that? I have to announce here that I am average person, with many good deeds and some not so good but good prevail and I am good person. do I deserve to suffer?

Need help finding a scene from Final Fantasy?

this is the best that i can find a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a i know it looks weird but there are instructions left by the uploader below the vid.

I am 25 weeks pregnant and a few weeks ago, I noticed this raised bump on my (pardon my vocab) "taint"?

Earlier this year, I tested negative for an STD and I've repeatedly asked my fiance if he has any, to which he always declines. Over the past few days, I've noticed more of these raised bumps down there and have no idea to what they can be attributed. I know I should ask my doctor, and I plan to at my next appointment, but it's really bothering me. It feels like that area is sore sometimes, but the bumps themselves don't actually hurt.

Rejected by Don Hertzfeldt?

the stick figure animation I'm talking of course. So I was wondering what the song is called he uses in the beginning of the video(very beginning). I know it's Beethoven but can't remember which song it was.

What is your opinion of the situation regarding the children being taken from the FLDS group?

Maureen I agree with you! But I think "our side" did the wrong thing in letting all those women return to the "ranch". They should have let them stay in the Real World with their children, been given temporary shelter and then been placed in a work release type of situation. It is the men that need to be arrested. It is a very difficult and sad situation. CJ

Will you be proud?

Say you're a cop and your brother is a bad guy and both of you fight in a kickboxing club where in most of the games you have won against your brother. Your sister supports only you when you fight as she does not like him coz of his bad ways. Even his girl friend falls for you as she thinks that he is not coming right and you too fall for her. One day the bad guy who is your brother interferes with the law and incidentally you had to arrest him as an honest officer. Because of your honesty and discipline the department gives you a promotion and your brother goes to prison. Now, will you celebrate your promotion with your family and girl friend on the same day that your brother went to jail? Your sister and girl friend tell you that you should celebrate it with them!!! So how do you view this scenario? What would you do if you're the police officer? And also does it turn you on when you think about the celebration and the promotion?

How to get rid of a black toe?

Ok so i was in my house walking , and i hit my pinky toe on the coffee table..ouch. And then maybe lke 30 mins later, i hit it again on the door. And now, my toe is black ! its really gross, i dont wanna wear sandals because its gross. Its getting hot outside and i dont wanna keep wearing boots, and sneakers, and such. how can i get rid of my black toe? BEST ANSWER 10 POINTS

What should I say or do? Best friend is really making big mistakes! Her kids are involved!?

My best friend of 15 years recently (December) told her husband she cheated on him (this was a lie) She said she wanted out of the marriage and she doesn't have feeling for him any more. Well of course her kids took it hard and especially her 11 year old. Well she has been having highs and lows and has admitted in the past that she doesn't know why she feels this way and that she wants to go out and have with other men. She doesn't have a job and has been in school. Her husband pays all the bills and loves her so much even though she has shown nothing but hate and malice towards him. She has brought other men into the house and labeled them as friends but they are more than friends. One guy used her for her house though they never had her body language (at first) Showed she liked him. She now has a guy in there that she just met less than a month ago and has held hands with him and hugged him, while her husband is there. I dont' think she should be using his money to galavant with these men and I especially don't think that she should be bringing them home and letting them stay the night. She laughs at her husband flippantly and she ignores the kids feelings. She says she cares about them but refuses to put them in counseling. She refuses to go to counseling herself. She was molested as a child and she never talked to anyone about it and the person who did was never brought to justice. Her mother has had a history of mental illness and my best friend says that mental illness is a crock and that people can help it (at least her mom can anyways) But I know that science has proved its not true. She doesn't listen to reason and she still wants to bring these men into the house and let the kids see her with them (not ually.) This is wrong on so many levels. She has also started smoking pot with this guy. They don't smoke it in front of the kids but they come back to the house stoned. To me that is irresponsible and stupid. I told her before she should talk to a counselor and she said no and that they don't do anything. I am at a loss...Those kids mean everything to me and I want them to be happy and healthy. Her oldest hates her and her second oldest is repressing everything her daughters don't totally understand but they know something is wrong. I don't know what to do. I am tempted to call child services. I NEVER brought guys into my daughters life after my divorce and my bf now didn't meet her until we had been dating for 9 months. I know what she is doing is wrong and I know that she has been happy then sad all of a sudden and she is trying to find that feeling of "love" which doesn't exist. Love is a choice and lust is a feeling. What should I do? What should I say? Am I wrong to worry about her bringing strange guys that no one knows except for her?

Who is a better propaganda minister, David Axelrod or Joseph Goebbels?

If you will read Axelrod's bio you will learn that his Mother and Father were active Marxist Socialists and David himself has been a practicing Socialist for many years. That sir, is the connection between he and Mr Hussein Obama.

How do you format in mla and apa? and which alignment is best for writing papers?

How do u format in mla and apa? which format should i use for each subject that i have ( im in high school) and which alignment when writing papers is the best to use like ( left, center, right, justified etc.) thankyou

Witch One has a better detection rate???????????

spyware terminator has a better dectetion rate{ althought the scans take longer, they are more thorough, and has better decetion than a squared and malware bytes, oh you should combine spyware ter with spybot}

Why are people mostly afraid of people that have tattoos?

I have friends with tattoos. I know there can possibly be a gang affiliation, but is there any other reason? Why do many tattoos make somebody look like a "badboy" or a "toughguy" in our culture?

Anyone have any suggestions? Please Help me!!!!!! What to do?

There is this girl I've known for 2 and half years and I don't know why, but she doesn't talk to me that much. You use to talk to me a lot, but she has been acting wierd. I'm a intelligent and not a y guy. We're both in 9th grade. The problem is that I'm a shy guy around her and I don't have a high amount of confidence. Also, I have sometimes very low self-esteem. I think she might like another guy and I have been getting heartaches on what to do. I feel like I should either quit our friendship or ask her out. I don't know what to do? What should I do? Please Help!!!! Thank you for people who respond to this question. Finally, please no stupid or dumb replys to this question.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Neuter clinic almost killed my cat, should legal action be taken?

Hi, I should firstly start off with i'm a 16 year old female, and I have no knowledge of legal actions, and how or what to do with my situation, and neither does my mother. So I thought somebody here might have a better opinoin. I have a cat named Sam, and I have hand raised him from the moment he was born. Him and I are SO close, He is like my child. He is about a year and a half old, and very healthy. He is a bombay, and we have an active vet, we go there monthly to have him checked up, and she says he is perfectly fit, healthy, and no health problems whatsoever. He was however, not neutered. We had not neutered him in hopes of breeding him with another bombay (he's a full bred with papers). But, as time went on, we noticed he was getting very agressive, and our vet suggested we get him neutered because it might make him less agressive and more friendly, and in the long run he might be happier. As you can guess, my family and I were VERY nervous about him being neutered because he is our baby. I understand its an "easy" and "fast" surgery, and not very dangerous at all. But still, I was scared for him. Yesterday (March 11th) we went to TCAPS, which is a low cost spay&neuter clinic. We picked TCAPS because our friends shelter cats for them, and they have had many cats spayed and neuterd by them, and everything turned out fine. On top of them being very cost friendly. Looking back on it, we should have went to out vet and paid the extra money. I wish I could take it back, but we can't. We dropped him off at 8:30 am, and we sat down with the vets and explained to them that we love our sammy very VERY much, and that we will be taking him to OUR vet ASAP to see if everything is okay. We asked them to take care of him, and they ured us that not only will they do him first, but they will be very careful. My mother and I went shopping and had some lunch while we waited, all the while being very nervous. We got a call at 10:00 am saying that they were done, and everything went fine. He was recovering, and we could pick him up at 12:00 pm the earliest. We got there at 12:01, and picked him up. When we arrived they explained to us the post op instructions for taking care of him after the surgery. This is where it gets sketchy as hell. They told us to NOT LET HIM OUT AT ALL, of the Kennal, until 9:00 PM at night. They said that the drugs he was on will make him quote "crazy" and groggy, and a danger to us and himself. They said after 9:00 pm we could take him out and put him in a either a bathroom or out laundry room. A small space with water, food, and a litter box so he can heal without moving around too much. They didn't give us a collar to put around his head so he wont bite the opertated area, neither did they say anything about buying one from pets mart. We took him home, and my mother had to go to work. I took him (in his kennal) into my room, and set him on my tredmil. I offered him some food and water in his kennal, and went around doing some school things (i'm home schooled). Around an hour later, he started scratching at his kennal door. I figured he was just getting ansy, or maybe still groggy from the meds. I smelt some cat pee soon, and realized my poor baby had went to the restroom on himself. I had no idea what to do, I couldn't let him out of his cage to go potty, but I know he has to be hurting from the surgery and I didnt want him agreviated even more. I finally called OUR vet, not TCAPS, but our ACTUAL vet, and asked her what I should do. I explained to her everything, and she immedantly sounded frantic. She said that one) she had NEVER heard anything about leaving a cat in his cage for almost 9 hours after being neutered. She said that we should take him out ASAP. So, I got off the phone and let him out. He wobbled out of the cage and attempted to jump on my bed. I picked him out and set him in his cat bed. A few minutes later he started to lick his junk, and thats when I noticed that it looked destroyed. There was tissue hanging from his actual sack, and it was very bloody and red. I freaked out and called my vet back, and she told me to take him up and she will look at him. My mom met me at the vet and she took a look at him. She said that she would need to sadate him, and stitch up the tissue that fell out. She said that they didnt put stitches in him (some vets just dont when they neuter cats) and that they used stitch glue instead. She said it looked like sam had licked it while he was in his Kennal, and thats why the tissue had fallen out.She said if we didn't stitch it back up it could die and infect him.So she sadated him, and was going into surgery when we left.She said she will call us as soon as they get out of surgery and keep him overnight there.She called us 20 minutes later and said he had a HUGE blood clot in the upper part of his sack,she said that they obviously didnt close his vessel off all the way,and he could ha

3 Jokes, star if u like any of them.?

I loved the third one! Thank you very much for this, it really cheered me up! Hope you have a nice day! ^_^

Hello friends, i have one serious problem plz help me?

dear friends in time of pregnency my weight become 62 kgs, know i want to reduce my weight, my previous weight is 50, how can i cut off my weight, give me any usefull tips , its my humble request plz help me, and my height is 5.2 plz help me

Old stuffed Animal called peeper? 1990s?

Does anyone remember a stuffed animal that was a dog and his eyes lit up when you squeezed his tummy? We think he was called a peeper....not 100% sure. We know he had a plaid outfit on sort of like a set of PJ's. Any pictures or name of the actual dog would help greatly!

What would cause a cynic to become an idealist?

reality will switch an idealist to a cynic pretty quick! but what about the reverse - how does a jaded, cynical person regain hope and become an idealist?

NCIS: Who do you think Tony was ordered to Investigate?

I think it could be Agent Barrett, because the leaks started after she got there, and then she left at the end of last night's show. She removed something from the arm of the dead agent without telling anyone what she found.

I need someone to talk to me on AIM and give me advice!?

Im talking to the guy i like and i need someone mature to talk to me, and give me advice. please give me ur sn!!!!

Ciriani London?

Does any one know what price the food is at Cipriani Italian in London? Hear its fab food but cant find a menu. Do they do pizza and lasagne as well as spaghetti and steaks?

Would Hershey Park Be Okay for 13 Year Olds?

My whole family loves it, and our ages range from 8-41 and we all have a blast. Even if roller coasters aren't your thing, there is the Boardwalk and other simple rides.

Did any1 else see the news story....?

About the quake that moved New Zealand? My kids didn't grasp why I found that so interesting and I couldn't figure out how to explain it to them on a level they'd understand. Sadly, while I'm very interested in a lot of different scientific ideas and theories, I can't always understand them. Anyone have an idea about how I can explain the importance of this quake to my boys so they understand? They're 9 and 7. My 14 yr. old tried to help me explain but no luck.

Do you know the truth about slavery?

THIS IS SOOO TRUE! when I mentioned this all to my African American history teacher he wouldn't allow me to continue! I think everyone needs to move past racism, and above me HELL YA THEY D KILLED AND BEAT THEIR SLAVES! They were worse they even did things to young girls! Did you never hear of them raping 12 year olds and getting them pregnant?! This still doesn't matter AFRICANS SOLD THEM TO THE COLONIST! BLAME THEM! ALSO NOT ALLLLL SLAVE OWNERS THAT WERE WHITE ABUSED D OR EVEN TREATED THEM WRONG AT ALL! How else did you hear of masters teaching them to read and write, some even had a family with their slaves and some slaves would of killed someone for hurting their master. Example being the slave who had lost her favor and planned to poison her masters wife and children so she could cure them and win favor again. She put too much and it killed them and the slaves all killed the slave because she killed the wife and child.

What would a High School Student's Daily or Weekly Schedule Look Like?

I am writing a story which is about high schoolers... But I would love to have some sort of idea of what a high school students schedual would look like. And it would be nice if I could see where extra things would plug in.... I am in high school, but i go to a private school without periods, gym, music, or even homeroom. Thank you!!

Guys seem to only want me for , what is wrong with me?

I think it is down to the times we are living in my love! Please dont let anyone put you under pressure to do anything that you are not comfortable with, men talk, and the word go's round if they see you as easy! Best of luck

Friday, August 12, 2011

I heard that you can't lose weight gained by ingesting trans fats, is that true?

I've been really into my health lately, been exercising and eating pretty well, and my friend recently told me that i shouldn't eat foods with trans fats because i won't be able to lose it, is this a fact?

Which two of these characteristics are strongest for you: intellect and driveor intuition and practicality?

I'd like to think all those traits are within me,but if I have to choose the strongest...intuition & practicality prevails..=)

Do you think Vikings have a advantage for the Monday Night?

Yea the Vikings have an advantage they are at home the fans will be on their side Favre is gonna look to get revenge on the Packers for the way they handle him and also the Vikings defense with Allen and the Williams will bring a lot of pressure on Rodgers and the Packers o-line has been all that good and neither has their defense either which will also have to worry about AP too this looks like trouble for the Packers but we will see how it goes because both teams will be pumped for what could be the biggest monday night game in history

Why is this girl still doing these things?

we have berated each other slandered each other and she has said some unfavorabvle things towards me and me to her,we have made racial undertones towards eaxch other(me being asian and her being iranian),but she will still want my attention.p by me and things of that nature and even get upset if i don't give her attention.I'm afraid that she keeps saying things behinf my back,but i've done my best to patch things up with her.(i was respectful the last few times around)but then i've ignored her ever since.Why would she keep trying?I don't trust her...but i'm confused by her actions.

Schengen for czech and hungary?

don't listen to the first responder. that was a stupid answer. check with the embies, not sure if schengen is going to be accepted for lands by next jan, but not by air yet for sure

Why am I racist for voting for McCain?

It's simple really. I'm not a racist, I am a moderate democrat. Obama, is a leftist nutjob. McCain is a RINO. (Republican in Name Only.) McCain, like Hillary, I believe, is a moderate democrat. Regardless of what he says he is, he is a democrat. He was second choice for Kerry's VP spot in 04 and he almost left the GOP in the past. Lately, there have been more democrats registered in this country than republicans. So, with that being said, if everyone ALWAYS only voted party, Kerry would have won in 2004 and Gore would have won in 2000. People don't always vote party. Policy > Party. Just look at Reagan. 26% of democrats voted for him and no one called them racists.

Have I Slandered President Bush, for Eight Years, By Calling Him W? Or G.W. Bush?

I have not heard anybody complain about that, however Obama supporters apparently think it is wrong.

Do you want Booker T to return to the WWE?

ya i would love i he did i would want him to go to smack down the A show and booker even said in an interview if he was ever to return to wwe he would rather be on smack down and that he was all ways happy on smack down because he was in the title picture with batista rey mysterio etc

Will feeding my betta only bloodworms hurt his overall health?

my friend gave me this betta about 3 days ago along with a bottle of tetra freeze dried bloodworm's i was reading today that they should be given a variety of foods and that bloodworm's should only be given for energy and conditioning will my betta be okay until not tom but next saturday when i can pick up pellets?

Bellas Lullaby or something else?

I have on song on my computer called Bella's Lullaby, but i'm not sure if it's the "real" song. It's because it's not the song that Edward Cullen plays for her in the movie Twilight. So i wanna know if eneyone know the EXACT song that he plays in the movie; what it's called and who plays it. Thank you (:

Is it possible to get approved for a motorcycle loan with no credit but i have a great co signer?

i just turned 18 an i wont to build my credit up and i wont a dirtbike to i was wonderin if theres anyway to get approved i have a good co signer

How can i stop my boston terrier from farting?

I just saw a program on Animal Planet about brachycephalic (pushed in face) dogs. Because of their facial structure they breathe through their mouths, therefore they swallow a lot of air, causing the flatus problem. Apparently there's not much you can do about it; buy lots of room freshener!

Constructive criticism for this one?

This is similar to my poem "Tides of Life." You may like it.... I do love your sentimental poem. It's great!

Can perfume Go bad ?!?!?

The change in the scent of a perfume is not completely preventable. Light, heat and air, plus other materials like dust, can degrade and change the scent oils. Roll-on perfumes, solid perfumes and droppers all increase the risk of change because they open up and/or touch your skin directly; spray bottles help them to last the longest because you do not touch the perfume or open the bottle. If they are kept in cool, dark places, your perfumes should last several years.

Ideas for a teen bedroom (girl)

you need to pick an accent color to accent the black and white. say your favorite color is orange for example, then you add pops of orange in things through out your room (orange lamp shades, or small rugs or something) on the bookshelf you could put your belonging that you want to show off (maybe trophies, pictures of you and family or friends, etc) my cousin has a day bed and it looks great(she's a teen) she even has this thing that you keep under the bed and it you pull it out and it pops up into another bed (good for sleepovers) :) in one corner of the room you could put a comfy rug and those bean bag chair things and a little stand that has magazines and stuff on it for you and your friends to hang out at. hope this helpsss :)

How much should a muffler repair on a 1995 astro van?

my answer is try to look around on this site a href="" rel="nofollow" it's help you a lot

10 pts! *Opinion on Trade* Owens for Wayne - ppr league?

Team A definatly needs a QB, I'd try to get Colston over Owens though, that could just be my prejudice against Terrell. If that switch was made i think its a very nice deal for both teams, as it stands Team B is probably winning.

Please Evaluate this trade offered to me...?

I'd take it, Hawpe is decent, and Pujols is the best player in the game, so he beats out Morneau. Manny comes back in 20 or so games so your outfields weaker for a few weeks but will improve once hes back.

Right well um Religion help?

You don't HAVE to belong to any religion. If you believe in reincarnation, that's cool. If you believe that there is a God, that's cool too. If anyone asks what religion you are, just tell them you aren't religious. problem solved. It works for me!

Bad weather lately skating?

Lately theres been bad weather where I skateboard and now it is going to rain and I'm also sick. I just learned to do ollies faster while moving and over bigger stuff will I forget if I don't skate today.

Chem help! Atmospheric pressure/volume problem!?

A frog releases an air bubble at the bottom of a lake, which is 2.05 m deep. By what factor would the volume of the bubble increase by the time it reaches the surface? ume the density of the lake water is 1.01g/cm^3 (1atm=1.01325 x 10^5 Nm^-2 and the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8067 ms^-2) Take the atmospheric pressure at the surface of the lake to be exactly 1 atm.

My theory on time in LOST?

The hydrogen bomb did not cause the flash-sideways. EVERYTHING that Jack and co. did in the past was already accounted for in their timeline, including the bomb core, which didn't go off (if it had gone off, how come it didn't destroy any of the metal in the tunnel that the bomb lay at the bottom of?) Even before the cast had experience the flashes into the past, the things in which they do/did in the past were already accounted for (ex: Pierre Chang hurting his hand, and John Locke giving Ricardo the comp). In LOST, there is no such thing as multiple universes. There is only the one, and everything in the flash-sideways is the same timeline, only after it has been changed by something, which will likely happen later in the season. Therefore the flash-sideways actual happen after the things we see in the present on the island (after for the characters, 'before' in time).

Bad oil leak and black oily residue on the back of car?

I have a 1996 plymouth neon. I know that it has a very BAD oil leak. I have to put oil in it before I go anywhere bc it all leaks out very quickly. I also have a black oily residue on the back of my car. I have never seen any smoke coming out of the tailpipe and I know the oil is leaking and not burning bc I see it on the ground. The car still runs very well as long as you keep oil in it, it never overheats, but does tap when the oil gets low. I dont think it is a cracked head or anything bc like I said it never overheats and still runs good. Also still gets great gas mileage. Does anyone have an idea as to what this may be or where the leak may be coming from?? I would really appreciate the help!! THANKS!!

What's an example of a genotype or phenotype that could be detrimental in 1 environment and good in another?

Read about the peppered moths. Originally, the peppered moths were light colored and would camouflage themselves on the lichen of light colored trees. Then, during the industrial revolution in England, those light colored trees were blackened by soot and the light colored moths died out while the darker ones flourished.

Please hlp me?

well my isnt hanging low but i have alot of hair on my and my armpits is this ok will it ever go down?

What is this snl skit?

whats this skit from the newer snl, its like this auction or something and this one girl with long red hair has to one up anything anybody says, but she says rediculous things. and it had some famous tall basketball player guy or something in it. thanks :D

Why should I recycle/conserve energy, what has the Earth ever done for me?

Someone please tell me why I should recycle and conserve natural resources? What has the damn Earth Ever done for me?

Permeanent wardship and guardianship help?

I was confused by the terminology, but looking at the information from the link below, it sounds like it is just the process of awarding you permanent custody without an actual adoption taking place.

Can u know more about a person or tell a person's personality by the way they cry?

for example, we can tell about a person by the way they smile/laugh. someone who chuckles quietly is more of the shy, demure person, and by some people's laugh, you can tell that they are cynical or they are looking down on other people. but, can we also tell about a person by the way they cry?

Palmer's Place that was in Gaylord Michigan - any remaining recipes?

When I was growing up my mom and I ate there for special events. We both loved the Mongolian beef very much and knew when our favorite cook wasn't in the kitchen because our meal tasted a little different - it was still good but it was different. Our favorite cook was called "Shorty." I'm looking for the recipe for the Mongolian beef dish. I've tried to reproduce the dish but the recipes I found are not even close to even compare. The dish had a black sauce that was sweet and a little spicy. The dishes I have attempted end up having brown sauce. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I hope to make it for my mom's birthday.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to burn .iso file?

I'm not very clever with computer stuff, and obviously I need help. Well, I've downloaded an OS iso file, and practically I don't know what to do with it. I tried burning the iso file onto DVD+R but I kept getting error message that says "False media type". I was wondering if had used the wrong DVD types? Plus, I'm thinking of using freeware iso burner as I just want to burn that only one particular iso file. So, any help, please. Thanks in advance.

How to turn off the red triangle alert on the Sloman Shield panel?

We heard a 'beeping' sound from the panel. After hitting 'reset', the beeping stopped but the red 'alert' triangle is still illuminated. How do we turn it off? (We tried the 'reset' on again but it did not turn off the alert triangle.

If DNA and the G were deleted at the asterisk, how would this affect protein synthesis& the resultant protein?

An deletion of a DNA base would cause a frameshift mutation and all triplets in the DNA, and hence codons in the mRNA, would be out of phase and result in the wrong sequence of amino acids in the protein which would have the wrong structure and probably not function.

What Is Canada's Role In The Iraqi War?

The second person is correct about Canadian ships patrolling in the Gulf. But the Canadians are definitely in Afghanistan in a combat position as some of them have been killed. I don't think they were in combat in Iraq but I am not sure. They might have been with the British in Basra and on the QT.

Bad things about George Washington?

4 people are in a spaceship to the moon and one has to be kicked off because the spaceship's weight limit is being exceeded. I have to be Bill Clinton and argue why I should get to stay on. The other people in the spaceship are George Washington, Eric Cartman, and Steven Colbert. I need to know some bad things about GW and Colbert, so i can make it look like they don't deserve to stay on the ship.

Tie in afc west, why would chargers win division?

If the Chargers win their last game against broncos why would they win the division if the records are tied?

I need serious math help!!!! turn improper fractions into mixed numbers!?

these are easy. this is what you have to do. you know that when dividing the number on the top goes inside and the number on the bottom is what you divide the top number with so just divide and you will get the reminder. for example 27/12 12 goes on 27 twice which is 24 so 12 goes twice. 27-24 which is twice of 12. you are left with 3 so therefore your answer is 2 3/12 if you need to reduce this then the final answer is 2 1/4. hope this helps. i tried my best to explain as simply as i could.

Is there a way to stop receiving fraud e-mails from Africa etc.? I seem to get one or two a day now..........

Nearly every time I open my e-mail I have at least two marked Urgent - Confidential Business Proposition etc., I know these are not to be opened at all and should be deleted immediately but is there any way of blocking them???

Painting tape is pulling off the paint on the wall too. Why? Was the paint too thick?

Hmm, I've always been under the impression you pull the tape before it dries, specifically so that doesn't happen... That's what I've always done, and talking to painters at home depot (I work there) that's been the general consensus. Not sure what letting it dry first would accomplish, it's only there to prevent the paint from getting on trim and whatnot, once it's painted, why leave it there?

220 V electric fireplace INSERTS?

I'm looking for a place that I can buy an electric fireplace insert. Just the logs and no surrounding frame or mantelpiece. It needs to be 220 V and the logs and flame have to look real. Is there any place where I can order it online or a company that you know of? Thanks.

Now that I know Boise State has the blue turf, does anyone know the company that carries it?

my husband works for a community college that is looking to put astro turf on their field, they like the blue one. Does anyone know the company that carries this type of turf?

Do you think the Republicans give the american people too much credit (How can they say we are exceptional)?

actually, i think it's mostly the politicians who make this "american exceptionalism" claim--repubes and dems alike. In reality, it USED to be that way, but today, that claim is certainly open for debate.

My little sister listens to songs she should?

She has awful taste in music, but she still has a right to listen to what she wants. Mind your own buisness.

I am getting to rent to own an old farm house...?

It is heated with propane...what does it usually cost to fill a tank and how often is it usually filled?

Dose blockbuster cerry final fantasy ,advent children .and if not what retailer dose .?

this movie looks awsome and i wood love to watch it ,i just dont know where to start my search for it i have most of the video games now i want to start colecting the movies

Enviromental novels - Any good ones worth reading?

I have enjoyed reading several environmental change/futuristic books. The ones I have read and enjoyed are Mona Clees - Overshoot, Ian Irvines - Terminator Gene and THe Life Lottery, Gabrielle Lords - Salt and Famine by Graham Masterton. Can anyone recommend other books of this genre that are good reading

Was Proposition 8 ped?

It did? Good. Obama has already stated that he supports a Civial Union, he may be able to create some sort of Union that is fair and just for the gay community. I am glad Prop. 8 was ped due to my belief in traditional Marriage, but I do feel that gay couples should have their own form of Union.

Rock Fans Music Fans..Do You Get Annoyed When?

I can name that tune ! I like all good music. Some people get their underwear in a bundle ! Just keep up the good work. 1000 years from now, even our great, great, great grandchildren will not care.

Characteristics of Good Leaders!?

Love how you lead with Ghandi (someone who fits the bill) and closed with a Communist and a good Community Organizer.

Need good medical advice (IBS?)?

J B, if you are using the a Fleet type brand enema then I can see why you are having a problem, as they are only 4.5 oz. I also have IBS and my dr told me to take a 1-2 qt plain warm water enema every day. Any questions, send me an Email. It works for me.

I wanna know if my crush likes me?

so we've talked before like in art, we were working on a project and he kept saying how it was really pretty and stuff and i didnt say thanks or anything so he kept saying "thats really good" like 6 or 7 times until i said thanks but we dont talk anymore and sometimes he would make fun of me like when i said, "gosh, we're not that stupid!" then he said, "well..... some of arnt...." and we've chatted on facebook when he got the swine flu and i asked him if he was ok and stuff and we talked for like 10 min or so. but then i unfriended him on facebook cuz i was like becoming obsessed with him. and then when i commented on someone's status like they said, "im a nerd, not a geek or a dork." and i was like "wats the difference" and he explained, "a nerd is someone thats really smart, a geek is someone thats really good at something and a dork is someone thats stupid" and i was like "oh so im a nerd and a geek and a dork?" and he was like "no ur just stupid" and i was like "*shock* im not stupid!!!" and he said, "shut up". so was he being a jerk cuz i unfriended him or is he being a jerk cuz he just hates me???? oh yeah and he knows that i like him.

Questions about the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.?

Did the quake destroy the whole city or only for example the west of the city? How many children (estimated) were orphaned by the quake? How long did it take to rebuild?

What to do about my small closet?

I have a normal sized closet, but with only 1 rod, and huge water pipe that cuts off about 1/4 of the closet. And I own a fair amount of clothes. This is in an apartment, so I need something I can take with me when I leave. Out of desperation, I bought a cheap garment rack on wheels, which will suit me for now, but I don't have anywhere to put it besides out in the open, and I don't want my apartment to look like a boutique. I know there are closet doublers, but I am wondering how well they work or if anyone else has some good ideas they have used in their closets. Thanks!

Sign for custard, signer pour crème, in any language?

Use the sign for pudding - a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Im empty. Please help?

I dont know why. Sometimes im on top of the world. Im well liked, good at sport, fit, fairly smart. I got through school with great marks and no effort. I live in a good home with good parents. But sometimes i just dont feel like living anymore. One of my friends died and i miss him a lot. I dont look forward to the future.. i just worry about it. I cant stop thinking about the big questions. If im not playing sport i just feel so tired all the time and just want to lie down. I procrastinate a lot. I just dont know what to do. And i just feel guilty about it because theres so many people with such shitty lives who can deal with it, and ive got what anyone would call a great life and i still dont want to live it. I dont even know who i am. Im everything. Im shy and outgoing, i hate going out and i love going out, im an idiot and an intellectual. Im going to die alone. I dont know what to do. I cant talk to anyone because theyll just be like "youve got nothing to complain about". I miss being a kid. 18 years has gone by in a flash. And i feel like ive lived for too long already. I dont know what to do

Now that Willie Randolph has officially gotten the infamous "Vote of Confidence", how long will he have a job?

Not long. The "Official vote of confidence" is like the Mafia kiss on the lips. Its the sign of death. I would'nt be surprised if Willie doesn't make it out of this week with the Marlins coming to town. Lose that series and it may be the end.

Is he playing games or what ?

ok im woth my boyfriend for nearly two years weve been living together for a year i have a son from another reltionship thingsl have been qutie rocky lately and hes been really nasty saying he doesnt want to live with me nomore so i sat him down last week an asked him what he really wanted and he said he wasnt sure so i said we would try to work through things of the next few weeks and if it doesnt work out we can go our seperate ways but im not sure if he wants to be here he keeps saying he doesnt want to do things like get heating oil in etc etc in case we dont last i keep thinking hes waiting the few weeks to tell e its over though he tells me he loves me and my son and would miss us what do you guys think any advice should i breakup with him and save me and my son anymore heartache or make a go of it

How are my PSAT scores?

I'm a sopre. I got in the 58th percentile. I'm a b student sadly. 49 critical reading. 47 math. 51 writing skills. How does this compare to what my SAT score would be if it was this?

Are Liberals concerned about the national debt?

Especially when considering the news regarding the EU PIIGS and the fiscal woes of states run by liberal governments such as California and pre-Chris Christie New Jersey?

Can someone make sence of my dream?

ok, so i have had the same dream for over 15 months now, it is a two part dream. it starts off with me chained in a dungeon style area, being tortured for reasons i havent quite comprehended or been able to recall. i see them bring before me people i dont know or people i do know, usually 5 per night, and decapitate them, like a midevil public exocution(man with an axe). after the 5th i usually break free of my bonds and make a quick break for the door, dart through tall narrow winding corridors to a flight of stairs leading upward. at the top of the stairs i step through a door to find myself fallen into another time and place entirely where i seethe morning sunrise on a beach and, what i believe to be, gorrilla warfare, with explosions and firefights in all directions, but amidst all of this kaos, i dart to my objective, inside of a prison shack. once i burst inside, i freeze as i see the woman that i had fallen in love with here in reality, tied to a chair, staring at me, then everthing dissapates into blackness except her just as a masked man shoots her in the heart with a pistol, i awake screaming in terror in a cold sweat. what do these simoltanious reoccuring dreams mean?

Is it true that MBAs are statistical FAILURES and total imbeciles?

Is it true that MBAs are statistical FAILURES who have caused mive amounts of damage to people's lives, comparable only to the damage caused by POLITICIANS and lawyers? Is it true that these morons were at the forefront of every major banking/stock bubble and crisis and business failure throughout recent history?

Do you see anything that you might change?

Looks good except for erfingers, I don't trust him and on top of that he has an inexperienced QB playing in a high pressure situation throwing to him.

BFP 3 days before expected

Ok... I'm very scared (it's hard for me to even admit that!) but I found out I was pregnant yesterday which I am very happy about. I tested positive 3 days before my expected period (which would of been due this saturday). Last time I was pregnant, (june 09), I was spotting on my period date.I didn't worry cause I heard it was normal for some women. But the spotting didn't go away for a few weeks, then I had a miscarriage. I am afraid if I see the same thing on Saturday I will go ballistic! I have been taking my vitamins and being healthy and taking care of myself. I just want to know on Saturday, is it normal to expect spotting, or nothing at all? I just don't want to go through another miscarriage! Thanks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Will Chad Ochocinco be a NFL Hall of Famer?

People say he won't, and some say he will I need a definate answer about this...Chad is my favorite football player and I think he can be a hall of famer if he wins a superbowl for Cincinnati. So please give me your opinion...and regardless if you hate him think of the stats and his 6 pro-bowls....Will he be a NFL Hall of Famer??

Am I justified in my fear of African Americans?

No worries. Anyone can get a little irritated by an accidental comment. You just happened to accidentally irritate a bunch of black dudes in one day. Life goes on.

Legal question: Can an adverse party's attorney be sued for collusion? Or other cause?

I was in the exact same cirstance recently. I was able to find help from an attorney from here -

Name for a High School dance team?

I am writing a book and I need a name for the dance team. The High School is Martin Van Buren (he was the 8th president) and the mascot is the vipers. Something simple.

Calculating a length (triangle)?

Since the the two sides are equal and angle BOD is a right angle that means your triangle is an isosceles right triangle. The hypotenuse BD is now equal to the square root of the sum of the legs, i.e., c = V (a^2 + b^2) , but a = b so, c = V (2*(60)^2 , c = 60 * (square root of 2), c=84.85

What prelude is faster? Year 97 and up models.?

I want to buy a stick shift prelude, but don't know which to pick. Which would be fastest stock. If you have one tell me of your experiences, btw i want one 97 and up, the newer models. THanks.

Where can one get (free) fill dirt for the yard nearest hershey pa?

Many times at construction sites they will give it to you and charge a small fee to bring it to you home. I bought 20 dump trucks for $20 a load $400 paid $125 to have it leveled. It doesn't hurt to ask because sometimes it involves them hauling it off at a long distance so look for construction nearest to you home.

Beginner Game tester?

I need help, theres nothing I wanna do more job wise than become a game tester, i've heard all the oh you can't do that ****, does anyone have any suggestions on how to start or some stuff i gata do or what. But how should i start where should i look too or whatever y'know.

Hey, District 9 question for people who have ALREADY seen it.?

It's gory, but not overly so. Gore aside, however, you should not miss the chance to see this movie.

Middle name that goes with sophie?

My twin sis is having a girl (so funny that we're both pregnant at the same time!), and she's decided on the name sophie for the first name but it's been real hard to find a name that goes with it. she also liked the name sadie for a first name. any suggestions? she was interested in french or spanish names (the father is hispanic). thanks!

How long should allow for Moderator approval? ?

COPD_Circle is a group I just applied to join but is taking longer than I feel normal to clear or reject my application, how long should I allow?

Download the song Belle's Lullaby from movie Twilight?

does anyone know where i can download the song Belle's Lullaby by Crater burwell without downloading the whole Twilight movie soundtrack?

Is America a Christian nation.?

My mom thinks America is a christian nation. I think it's a secular democratic separation of church and state nation founded by hypocritical enlightenment christians.

Is the Edinaurgh derby underated these days?

im a fan of the SPL but live down in england and i recon hibernian v hearts is underated,,, i watched final score on the red on and they didnt spark much interest on the match,,, i recon it deserves to be in the top 15 derbys in the world,,, anyone agree ?

How do I set up my panasonic sc-ht740 surround system wirelessly?

I want to set up the speakers all over the ceiling, but im a girl and illiterate. Someone please help me so I can impress my

Would radish really grow in a balloon?

i got an idea of internet to plant radish seeds in a balloon tie a not in it and a plant will grow.iwant to do it with residents at work as an activity.but i don't want it to be a total let down.

What is this? (love question)?

wow girl you got it bad, OK first thing's first don't tell him anymore how much u love him at least until you know for sure the feelings is mutual, what i figure is that by you expressing that much love to him is probably scaring him, and guys don't really like that, they're aren't many men out there that expresses the same amount of love like us women, we women are very very emotional creatures in being, and it is sometimes overwhelming for some guys to accept the amount of love that we may have for them, so what i am saying is that i know that you may feel an uncontrollable urge to be with him, but hun in order for you to know if the feelings is mutual, u may have to give him his space, try and go for a bit without him, if u see that he cannot stay away and he is consistently calling you and asking to be with you, not for but just wanting to be in your presence and is showing that he truly loves you then you'll know that the feelings is mutual, but if you see that he could care less if you haven't phoned or at least came by then u may have to think about whether to continue on in the relationship, trust me Hun a one sided relationship is not what you want and i could see that you really have strong feelings for him, but maybe the feelings aren't mutual for him, and u cannot continue to love a man like that if he doesn't feel the same,you have too much love to give to someone that will reflect the same amount of love back to you, so think about it and see if what i said makes any sense to you.Good luck on everything, and i hope everything works out for you with your man.

Okay, this is kind of weird but I need HELP. I'm 13 and my period has lasted for almost 3 weeks.?

It's not getting any lesser, but it's not heavy at all. I keep looking it up and it everything says menopause. But I just started my period last year is that possible? I'm really confused. Help!

I'm so confused... any people who are good in Physics out there?

On earth, two parts of a space probe weigh 13500 N and 5200 N. These parts are separated by a center-to-center distance of 15 m and may be treated as uniform spherical objects. Find the magnitude of the gravitational force that each part exerts on the other out in space, far from any other objects.

Shoulder Length Hairstyles?

I need pics of shoulder length hairstyles- I will accept anything except the VERY POPULAR Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie Hairstyke

Could you p a history exam about what went on in your life?

Oh, this was such fun ! ! Got all 20 right.. . Might have missed the Ink Spots, but question 16 - sniffing the ink, reminded me. . . I was born in '44 and remember my mom telling me about the stockings tip. . .and #18 I knew was Ammo, but also looked for fertilizer . . . didn't they say that too ? ? LOL Thanks so much for the fun ! ! !

Would you add him to your buddy list?

well on this aim thing you can have a page where you can add pics ect anyway i have one and my friend has one too so i was looking at her buddies for fun and i saw that she had my crush inn her buddies he is really sweet and we talk alot but i never gave him my sn or anything and if i add him idk what he will think should i add him??

Why does yahoo answers give you a violation of email?

It puzzles me too. I think he's meant to remain a mystery even though we all know he or 'they' work for Yahoo. Good on you level 6

Can be Humans from mars?

Could it be that humans we're never from earth but came from mars. Like life on mars was about to end so everyone took a spaceship billons of years ago and traveled to earth and then like 1000 we're left but forgot everything about being from mars just think about it.

Why is Hosni Mubarak considered a dictator?

In school we were asked to do a project on world Dictators, mine being Hosni Mubarak, president of Egypt. Hes even ranked 17 in on the list of the worlds current worst dictators. As I have been researching though, I have come across no real displays of dictatorship. Everything said seems to state the opposite. The only thing I could find was a tightening of the law on who gets to run for presidential candidacy. So why is he considered a dictator. Any help on this would be great.

Automobile engine oil question?

I bought a five quart container of Valvoline 5w-30 engine oil today. I noticed the 3/4 inch diameter circle on the container that lists the api service (SN) and viscosity (SAE 5-30) no longer reads "energy conserving". It reads "resource conserving". I believe the older label indicates the oil contained special additives. Is the oil I purchased different and of lower quality?

How do I get away from him?

Tell him how you feel about him and tell him it is too hard to sit around and watch him flirt with someone else. Be careful though. Telling him how you feel could turn the other girl against you or possibly even turn him against you.But, you have to be honest.

Need help with !?

I asked a question similar to this an hour ago, but I want to rephrase my question. I have a difficult time having with my husband. I do not have insecurities about the way I look, in fact, it is the opposite. I am attracted to my husband and love him dearly. I'm 24 yrs old and my husband is 31. I met my husband 5 years ago and knew I had problems with right away. I had one previous relationship before him, and had more problems with him than I do with my husband. I would get such high anxiety that I couldn't even continue. I used to have a drive, when I was with my ex, but I couldn't do it with him, nor wanted to. I then met my husband and thought I wouldn't have a problem, but since the first time - I knew I did - I just pretended to enjoy it. I currently have NO drive AT ALL. Although I have sex everyday. It's not because I don't need it. I have no problem plsing myself so it's not physical. I can tell my husband anything there's just

Is Brandon Jennings rookie of the year instead of Blake Griffin?

I mean he got frickin 55 points in like there 10th game that is INCREDIBLE i think Jennings will be the best player very soon and Blake might be injured but im pretty sure if he will never get 55 points or more for a long time

What to take to Vietnam?

make sure you are takes the virus shots before goes there...thin and light clothing, shorts prefers..mosquito's spray, and important are medicines...right now, the weather is not hot at all but it is humidity..the weather are in the mid 80's and lower 80' night time around lower 70's and mid 70's. sun screens...good luck and have a save trip. enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How do Republicans really feel about MLK? Do they admire him now, as Beck likes to say?

Anyone who doesn't admire a man who stands up and practices what he preaches is a sad individual. MLK stands to the day for the rights of his fellow man and that is to be ADMIRED.

Highway driving experience on Toyota Prius?

How does the Toyota Prius rate against other cars in terms on road-noise, stability and acceleration while driving on freeways and long distance drives. Does it have enuff power to merge quickly or accelerate swiftly for overtaking traffic on single lane roads at 65 mph.

A woman’s benefit in staying healthy!!!?

A female friend of mine always complained about being out of shape and not being able to find a healthy diet. Even though she was quit attractive, she did not even want to date anyone for a while, because she was not satisfied with her physical appearance. To improve her physical shape, she always wanted to find a place to practice Yoga. Unfortunately her income did not allow her to be able to afford the services that she would find. While surfing the net she found a website, where she learned that she could find any service that she would request for. So, she decided to use the website to post a request for a service that would teach her Yoga workouts. Now, after a couple of months later, I have noticed that my friend is in more shape and happier about herself than ever before and apparently, the Yoga instructor gave her a very effective dietary plan. I guess this explains why she won’t stop bugging me from enjoying cheeseburgers and fries.

Ebay help! How do I make a customized auction template like below?!?

What do you think of Paul Tracy's comments on Nascar?

Like the others pointed out, he came to Nascar and didn't make it, I believe he even tried trucks a couple times. So if it is so boring why come and try it.

Mickie James, Shelton Benjamin, Mike Knox Released?

it was tym for mikie to retire, shelton didn't wanna sign cuz haas told him not 2 n i'm happy/mad but now he can go to roh or tna n win d world title. nike knox was ku but goin no where. katie was hott but who cares n d others r jus jobbers

Anyone else think katie price is a good actress?

god i really cant sand her i mean harvey was ill a few weeks ago and she goes to the jungle just to try n help her career she is such a cow!! i mean how she performs with the trials she wernt all panic attacks and crying the first time she was in there

I have a freshwater red crab?

Well first, if you want another crab the red clawed crab is a great choice. It does eat the plants a bit, but not noticeably, and it doesn't pick on the fish much (it gets a bit territorial if a fish gets too close, but it doesn't hurt the fish). Second you should give it to a friend or something, or you could by a small tank and put him in there by himself. This way he won't be able to har fish. Then just make sure he can't get up into the filter in anyway, by covering it or something. Oh, but no matter what, make sure you have a lid if you choose to put him in a different tank, because he will jump right out if he can get high enough. Same with the red clawed crab.

Ok, so when can you take your newborn out?

I think its fine as long as you take precautions like the other posts said. I took my son out at 9 days old to get his pictures taken. It worked out just fine.

Going to six flags. Question about the rides?

OK So first what is the most scariest/Thrill ride their. 2. Ive been hearing scream isn't scary at all! Is It?I went their 4 years ago but They added Tatsu and Terminator which I wanna go on both!! My favorite are collous, Viper,Batman, and x2

Why are one tree hill and 90210 postponed to january?

I love the CW tv shows like One Tree Hill and 90210, and at the end of the episodes of both shows this past week, it's said they're not coming back until January. Does anyone have any idea why?

In love with my Jewish boyfriend. Tell him or wait?

first check if you truely love him then if he told you that he loves you answer him & tell him life is too short

What is Hilary Duff's current hair color? PLZ!?

I think she's still a brunette, I wish she would keep it are natural hair color which was blonde. The pictures that I have seen of her here lately she was a brunette.

What did the bears did to slow down and exposs the packers defense?

it was a shootout.the packers simply ran out of bullets before the bears did.bang bang you're dead...course there was a lot of friendly fire coming from the packers.they helped the bears all the was an exciting game,kept you on the edge,but.i sure did think the packers would do it.

Sweeney Todd-- I need to find the track to Green Finch and Linett Bird( the same one from the movie)on karaoke

I need to find Green Finch and Linett Bird by Stephen Sondheim. I need the short verision, the one they did in the movie. I would like to have an instrumental or karaoke track for this song. I'm trying out for a talent show and I can only be in it if I have a karaoke/instrumental track. Please, no vocals in the background. I cannot spend more than $20 on getting ahold of this track. I can use a file, too. I have iTunes, Windows Media Player, Quicktime, and I'm fine to download more- if necessary. Please give me a website, or something I can download, because I REALLY need that track! Thanks.

Rate how easy/tough the groups are in the WC qualifying from Europe?

All I can say is that France and Romania had better advance, LOL! My team needs to get revenge and Mutu just has to be there :D

Does she like me? Should I ask her out?

She does seem to like you, but perhaps she's not sure if you like her, which could be why she seems distant. If you do ask her out before the summer, try to arrange a time over it where you two could see each other. If you wait until next semester, it might be too late. I would say go for it and just be honest with her.

Midsummer night's dream=saturday night live?

we have to rewrite a midsummer night's dream scene in modern times/language, and i'm doing the pyramus and thisbe play at the end, and changing it into a skit on SNL. any ideas/thoughts?

Do You Think This is A Good Prediction For Degri The Boiling Point?

Okay i know alot of you are wondering whats gonna happen. Well in the LockDown something really bad happens. When Drew takes Bianca to the Boiler Room of the school they make out. Ali finds them there, She gets mad and i guess fights Bianca. One of them pushed eachother and hit a pipe in the Boiler Room. So this means the schools gonna blow up. And it is called Degri Boiling Point. Boiler Room. Dont worry Ladies that LOVE Eli like i do. He doesnt die. He makes it out the school with Clare, Holly J, and Sav. But in the preview Clares crying. Melinda Shankar AKA Ali posted a video on YouTube saying her and Aislin Paul did a crying scene when there both crying together. But it has to do something with Eli. Cause in the Trailor Clares asks Eli." What did you do?" And when Eli was outisde with Clare, Holly J, And Sav he looked mad. And Eli's Bio says he has a dark secret. So do you agree with me? Does this make sence? Oh and NEXT WEEK ECLARE KISS!!!! I cant wait! Finally i've been dreaming about this. Momentai ^^

Do you miss Chris Benoit, and do you think he should ever be inducted into the Hall of Fame?

Even though he committed a horrible crime, I still miss Chris Benoit, and think he should eventually be inducted into the Hall of Fame, although I doubt it would happen. He was a great wrestler and we still could have seen a lot of great matches from him if he was still alive today.

How laughable is the American Congress that thinks it fixes its budget woes without increases in taxation.?

It is certainly unrealistic as long as we are paying 1.5 trillion dollars a year on foreign conflicts. It is stupid to cut taxes on the rich and companies that export jobs at a time like this. Yet we can apparently afford to pay billions in oil subsidies, go figure.

What is Fergie's 'Big Girls Don't Cry' about?

At first I thought this song was about Fergie (or whatever role she is playing in the song) taking a break away from her boyfriend for awhile to center herself, but watching the music video made me think it was about her breaking up with someone. Thoughts?

Why has my skin been turning orange?

Since summer or spring of last year my skin has been getting this yellowish beige grey color with a (very)slight green tint. Under a white light it looks a salmon color but at school when I compare it to other people's it looks really odd. Under some lights it'll look orange. I've used fairness creams to see if it was a tan that I could've got rid of, but it didn't work, I sometimes tan easily but burn easily too. What is odd is that outside my skin is paler than anyone else's, or most people's, but it looks really yellow and grey with no pink in it at all. (Even in the cold) Most pics I have (even in the summer) my skin is usually a pale white with pink undertones in it, and it looked healthy, so I don't know what's happening I feel well I don't think I have kidney or liver problems. I was dx'd with a vitamin D deficiency last year. Can that cause yellow skin? or is it something else? My ethnicity is british so is something wrong?